Show pre paid retainer time left in client portal
Peter Frandsen
Would be great to have this kind of time report in pdf to, not just in the client portal.
Greg Mount
This suggestions dovetails well with this:
Michelle Beal
It would also be cool to have a feature where once we go over those hours, it switches to an hourly rate… I know this is how a lot of VAs have their retainers set up. I was able to do this in Harvest just by creating two different “projects”, the retainer work set as unbilable and the OT work set as billable. Once I was over, I just switched to putting my time against the billable project. Still manual, but it worked.
Jaclyn Ionin
Yes - on my current invoices for retainer clients I always let them know how much of their retainer is remaining.
Changemaker Creative
This would be useful for retainer clients. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, like a graph or anything could be something like:
Time tracked this month: 23 hrs 30 mins
Project hours: 40 hours
Resets in: 15 days