Convert a Opportunity into a Project
Kate Soules
Particularly for existing clients, it would be helpful to be able to change an opportunity into a project. Because this is an existing client, I'm not going through a formal proposal process or anything. I enter projects as opportunities until I receive the official work assignment from them (I'm covered by an annual agreement, so there isn't a new contract every time), but then have to create a new project once that assignment is received.
It looks like I'd also have to go back to the opportunities page to set something as complete, even if I mark the project complete? (Again, projects for existing clients)
Ruth Barrow
Yes I agree, i have informal potential projects come in that I want to track, and then i want to convert to a project once they give the go ahead
I'm stuck in this area of Moxie as well, even with using the whole form-opportunity-agreement-project process. There's a disconnect between opportunities and projects that leaves a bunch (basically all) of opportunity pipeline info behind, and I am re-entering information that clients have input on forms in the opportunity stage.