Support for multiple compounded tax rates
Geoff Mina
Single tax is workable, but adds additional work at tax time to break out the tax collected into the correct buckets.
Geoff Mina
Merged in a post:
Invoicing – Add additional taxes for Canadian clients
Chryssi Tsoupanarias
In Canada, we need to specify the amount of federal and provincial taxes separately (two different tax rates) in our invoices.
Is it possible to have an answer here? I am wondering the same thing. Cant use it if it's not possible to add 2 taxes
Ruth Barrow
Its very important to have multiple tax rates, and the ability to add more than one to an invoice and also have each line item with its own tax rate or two.
For example in BC, my invoices typically look like this..
design (GST 5%)
print cost (GST 5%, and PST 7%)
so each line item needs different rates, but the 5% and 7% need to be tracked individually, not together as a 12% rate.
Jolean Isaac
please add ability to make tax inclusive
Grupo Sysega
Efectivamente este es un gran problema que Moxie no soluciona para la facturación en España. Es imposible que un Autónomo pueda facturar con Moxie actualmente. Super urgente resolver esto.
Geoff Mina
Elena Rubio
La parte de Facturación en estos momentos es inútil para España. Aquí necesitamos la opción de incorporar más impuestos y la funcionalidad de que estos impuestos (IRPF) resten en la factura.
Byka Nukubu
Exactly, in Spain this is a different tax to VAT, so until this function is available, invoicing is useless.
This is a critical feature as we are required to collect and list two separate taxes. One of them is not always applicable so we would need the option to choose tax 1, tax 2, or none on all line items.
Pedro Solorzano
Not workable for Europe, as they have to be broken down. Cannot use invoice that requires comppounded tax (Spain), I have to keep zoho invoice until you make support for this!
Geoff Mina
Pedro Solorzano: could you message me in support chat and share a Zoho invoice with me? I want to see how they are visually formatting things.
Roberto Dobao
Geoff Mina: I bought the offer on appsumo more than 3 months ago, sadly I still haven't been able to use it due to the lack of this feature. Two or three Spanish freelancers who had the same problem asked questions about it on appsumo and someone from the Moxie team responded and showed their commitment to implementing this soon. Please, add this functionality so we can start using it.
Pedro Solorzano
Roberto Dobao: I teotally agree Roberto, for me is useless the invoiceing feature without the possibility to adding another tax (in this case negative IRPF 15%)
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