Chrome extension: create time tracking widget
Dano Qualls
Allow time tracking in a chrome extension so you can track time without having to navigate to
Cameron Schneider
Merged in a post:
Time tracking widget (iOS)
Simone Jenerson
A widget I can add to my Home Screen where I can touch / click it and the timer starts and stops.
Cameron Schneider
Merged in a post:
Mini Time Tracking App - Desktop
A simple menu app that shows the time being tracked, and basic time tracking features of the web app.
Currently we have to keep switching windows to see the time being tracked, stop or start new timers.
Geoff Mina
Merged in a post:
Undock and Float the Time Tracker Tool
Undock the time tracking tool from the Moxie interface and allow it to function as an independent floating widget that hovers above all other windows. This would make it easier to keep track of the time we are working on a task/project, quickly pause and resume as needed, and help us to not forget to stop the timer when we are done.
Grey Drane
Timery has some great widgets for inspiration! 😜
Grey Drane
Yep! I follow a sort of loose Pomodoro-esque routine, working in 20-30 minute chunks. But if I can't see the timer, I lose track of how long I've been working.
Grey Drane
It'd be great if this could take advantage of Live Activities in iOS, too. That way it's always on your lock screen when running.
Peter Varnai
I'll join in on this! I'd love that! :) The previous platforms I used had these, but they were not really great. Moxie already does a so much better job with timetracking, this would be a great addition to it!
Caitlin Rulien
Would LOVE this feature!
Jibby Bond
To add to this, a PAUSE option would be really helpful!
Dano Qualls
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