Workspace Branding Set
The Canty Company LLC
Having custom pages in the backend would be nice too, like what we can do with the customer portal.
Geoff Mina
Geoff Mina
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Jeanette Fast Redmond
Add global branding to the account settings so that we don’t have to specify for each separate form/agreement/etc.
Tefan DiGiovanni
Almost every other program in my tech stack has global fonts. As an example of my goal: consider Canva. All my clients have their own brand kits in my Canva and when I create a graphic - click their brand - it automatically adds their colors and fonts to my design. Many other programs have Workspace Settings or Account Settings that consist of adding our brand colors and fonts to use globally across the program. This would be so useful when creating new templates, agreements, and other white label items that currently need so much customizing for each new creation for each new client. It is too time consuming to love at this time.
With 79 up votes in the past year... it seems this should be considered On The Map.
Marc Hyde
I'd give my left arm for thissss
Michael England
Please!!! This is such a pain to set the colors and fonts on every form, agreement etc. If we could have brand presets like im honeybook this would be amazing
Geoff Mina
Merged in a post:
Brand Settings
Anri de Beer
Could we please have a setting that allow us to choose brand colors and fonts so all our documentation, agreements etc load our brand fonts and colors. Currently I have to manually do this every singel time.
Deztiny Di Meo
It’s taking me so long to match my branding on invoices, forms, and agreements
Vicky Hughes
100% - choosing fonts each time is not good
Courtney V.
Yes! Would be great to have default branding for our workspace
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