Workflow: Require Approval Before Sending
Brittney Ashley
The "Require Approval Before Sending" feature is a crucial addition for workflow automation, especially in platforms like Dubsado and Moxie. Many businesses need an extra layer of control to ensure that invoices, agreements, or proposals are accurate before they are sent to clients. This feature streamlines the process by allowing the system to automatically generate the necessary documents, but instead of sending them immediately, it pauses for approval from a designated team member. The approver can review the document, request edits, or reject it, ensuring no mistakes are made. Once approved, the document is sent automatically, keeping the workflow moving forward smoothly. By incorporating this approval step, businesses can prevent costly errors, maintain oversight, and ensure all documents meet their standards before being sent out. This is especially valuable for businesses that deal with high-value invoices or legal contracts where accuracy is paramount. Adding this feature would bring significant value, enhance accuracy, and reduce the risk of errors in client-facing documents.
Todd Harper
Yes, and in addition to documents, the ability to customize certain workflow emails before they are sent.
Example Use Case - Client gets put in "Project Complete" Stage
Right now, my workflow includes opening up a new email, manually applying a template, and editing it with information about the completed project. Then I go to the opportunities to change the stage to "Project Complete" and trigger a post-work followup sequence.
In an ideal world, I could instead have that first email built right into the workflow, but create a todo to edit it before it gets sent. This functionlity would streamline many of processes.
Michelle Beal
This is so needed.