Expenses inside clients and projects
Geoff Mina
Similar request, asking for the same in the Client screen: https://feedback.withmoxie.com/accounting-feature-requests/p/client-expenses-tracking-in-client-overview
Adding on to this, since the general functions seem to exist in the system already, I'd love a Project Expenses tab as talked about here, which would list the expenses that have been assigned to a project ALONG WITH a "money in" and "money out" summary for that each project individually.
For me it also helps to see this alongside timesheet totals (because I don't bill hourly to clients) but it's helpful to quickly visualize time spent + actual expenses at the same time.
Updated idea based on newer interface. This is where I keep looking for Expenses within a Project.
Kate C
Seeing the expenses assigned to a client/project on the main summary screen would be really helpful for both external client work AND to track internal projects or product manufacturing costs.
Geoff Brandt
Ideally there should be one screen per client with all the files attached from every “owned” container below it (opportunities,Projects, tasks, expenses). Essentially add a files tab at the client level. They are being kept in the system already so might as will sub-group them and expose them.
Austin Morrow
Merged in a post:
Client expenses link in the 'clients' area
Lisa Coulson
Hi. It would be amazing if there was a link to all expenses allocated to a particular client in the 'clients' area in the main Moxie area (Not the portal) :-)
Having the Expenses listed under Project Insights is very much needed
design domain
Team, any update on this feature?
This makes a lot of sense because this tells us the income we got from a particular client instead of revenue.