I would like to request implementation of a merge function in the client and contact profiles. This feature would greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of our database management.
Occasionally we encounter situations where duplicate client and contact profiles are created, leading to confusion and duplication of efforts. To address this issue, I would propose the development of a merge function that allows us to combine two or more client profiles into a single, consolidated profile.
The merge function would identify duplicates based on certain criteria, such as matching names, email addresses, or other relevant data fields. Once identified, the function would ideally provide a simple and intuitive way to merge the profiles, retaining all relevant information from each individual profile.
By implementing this merge functionality, we can eliminate the need for manual interventions to resolve duplicate profiles, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. It will also enhance the accuracy of our client and contact data, ensuring that we have a comprehensive and up-to-date view of our customers.